Precision Thermistor

Thermal Components Precision Thermistor series offer the electronics industry a complete range of accurate interchangeable devices. Epoxy and Glass versions are available in a broad resistance range from -50C to +200C to suit applications where accuracy is essential. Thermistor Interchangeability has become an important factor for cost efficiency in advanced thermal performance applications. The need for expensive individual thermistor calibration is not necessary. Thermal Components Precision Thermistors interchangeability means that each device will match the published Resistance- Temperature (R/T tables) for a given thermistor and will be within the specified deviation limits over the temperature range 0C to +70C. Special medical grade available where the critical temperature tolerance at human temperature of 37C.
From standard sizes to mini and micro versions, where increased time response and limited space is required.

Precision Thermistor

Precision Thermistor


Precision Thermistor Applications